Beard gets all the attention on a men’s face. It needs to be maintained properly and should be kept according to the face shape. If you are growing facial hair then it should be kept groomed in style.
The facial hair trend has a staying power so maintaining a beard should be on your list. As every hairstyle will not suit you, similarly every beard shape is not made for you.
1. Forehead: Measure from the peak of one eyebrow arch to the peak of the opposite arch and you will get the exact forehead measurement. 2. Cheekbones: Measure across your cheekbones from starting and ending at the pointiest part just below the outer corner of each eye. 3. Jawline: From the tip of your chin to below your ear at the point where your jaw angles upwards. Then, multiply this number by two to get your exact measurement.
4. Face Length: Measure from the center of your hairline to the tip of your chin and, you got a perfect size.
After taking the measurements, compare which is the largest of these four. Then compare these seven major mentioned profiles.
• Oval: If face length is greater than the width of the cheekbones, and forehead is greater than the jawline. The angle of the jaw is rounded not sharp.
• Rectangle: Face length is the greatest. Forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are almost similar in size.
• Triangular: Jawline is greater than the cheekbones, the forehead falls smaller in the measurement. • Round: Similar measurement of cheekbones and well face length. Larger than the forehead and jawline, which also have a similar measurement. The angle of the jaw-less defined.
• Heart: When the forehead is greater than the cheekbones and jawline and chin is pointed.
• Square: If all your measurements are similar and the angle of the jaw is sharp.
• Diamond: Face length is the largest. Then, in descending order: cheekbones, forehead, and smallest is jawline and pointed chin.
Following are the ways to keep your beard as per your face shape:
1. OVAL SHAPE With an oval face, you can carry a variety of beard styles while other men can’t. Go for a timeless, classic style. Beard is squared at the jaw and with clean lines on the cheeks, short on the sides.

This is a longer face shape. So, long, triangular or pointy beards will not suit you. Fuller cheeks on a beard will give you a slightly wider jaw.
If you don’t want to exaggerate the shape you already have, grow facial hair higher on the cheeks and your face will stop looking elongated.

The opposite of heart shape. The purpose is to take the attention away from the chin. The easiest way to do this is to grow a mustache with a short beard. This look will draw attention higher up on the face.

Beard grooming should never be overlooked, hence, go for a beard that is shorter on the cheeks and longer towards the chin. This look is completely flattering according to your face shape.

This is basically a smaller face shape and a beard will make it look smaller. Go for stubble on the sides. Without overpowering your natural bone structure, this will give you a rough and ready look.

To complement this face shape, the chin area should be rounded or triangular. Lengthening of the beard on the chin will help you get the wide jaws creating a chiseled look. This type of beard will also make people focus on the other features of the face.

You have wide cheekbones with a narrow forehead. Always trim your beard, don’t go longer at the chin. Square half the bottom of your face. Go lighter on mustache then your cheeks and jawline will have the emphasis.

Above will make your concepts clear about your face shape and how your beard should be kept according to it.
Beard should be managed properly as the hairstyle. It is an important part of the face to be taken care of.